Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another day out

After visiting De Haar, we had another outing, this time to the seaside as he had not been there before.
We went to the same place as I took his sister towards the end of  March.
At the end of the day we went out eating pancakes in a very special place.
He is back home now and  his sister is staying here again this week.
The weather has been lovely but yesterday we had our first very welcome rain again since a while. The garden is very dry.

Due to nice weather and all these visits, no textile news as yet.

1 comment:

  1. Textiel nieuws is leuk maar dit is ook heerlijk om te lezen.
    Laatst vroeg iemand mij of ik nog wel weef? maar ik vermaak me kostelijk met andere zaken. Dus jouw verhaal komt we een ietsie pietsie bekend voor hihi.
