Saturday, April 24, 2010

Guild day

Weaving has taken a backstep these last few weeks so I have been quiet.

But Spring has definitely arrived and the world is getting greener by the day. I love this time of year.
Yesterday we were going to weave with paper at our local Guild but plans had to change when the tutor could not make it. So we switched to Inkle weaving. I had not done this before. At Online Guild last year there was an Inkle weaving workshop but I had no loom to use. This time I was able to borrow one I'm now weaving my first braid using 8/2 cotton.

The photo's above you can see the colours of the warp. One mostly blue with one red thread and the other is mostly pale green with a red and a blue thread on each side.
Very simple but I like my "on the spot" design that I did when warping the Inkle loom yesterday. Changing some threads to get the colour changes.
Here the pattern is more visible but the colours are not as they are, they look a bit paler in the photos.


  1. Bandjes weven blijft leuk. Ik heb alleen nog maar de lusjes voor de keukendoeken geweven maar dát was al leuk. Heeft dit bandje ook een doel of is het een oefenbandje?

  2. hoi Marion, het heeft (nog) geen doel. Ik heb materiaal gepakt dat me geschikt leek en wat ik op voorraad had. :-)

  3. That's a very pretty inkle band, I'm glad you've had a chance to try out this form of weaving. Inkle bands are so useful and attractive to have around.
