Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Today would have been DH's birthday. Strange day, the first without him being here.
Youngest daughter here tonight, I'll cook them a nice meal :-)
New warp is made but no energy to get it on the loom. Tomorrow is another day.
I'm using a new to me yarn of 50/50 wool/Tencel from WEBS.
It feels lovely and soft and the shine of Tencel is coming through, so hopefully it will make a nice scarf.
This is what I plan to weave in a 3/1 and 1/3 block twill design with 2 colours green.
Above the threading of the block twill with extra plain weave at the edges and below the tie-up in detail

1 comment:

  1. You have entered a stage of life that is shared by many women. My sister-in-law was thrust into it in 2004 and it's always a concern of mine. Women live longer than men and I've begun to think about how I will manage this phase if and when it becomes mine. Thank you for sharing this special day.
