Planning a new warp with colour for my special reed. Thinking about
Reflecting Water for this warp. Colours from my blue stash of
Venne Cotton Yarn that I could use
After making a yarn wrap I decided to drop a few colours and just use these:
Slight differences in the blues and by using them within the fan shapes I'm hoping for the "watery effect"
It's still taking me lots of time to get a warp going (not enough concentration yet) but I feel I'm getting better at it.
Though at the moment quite a lot of distractions going on. Thinking about doing some renovation work to the house. Looking into it, next decision making time and when going ahead, there would be little time for weaving for a while.
That is if I feel up to going ahead with it all :-)
So, I'm keen to get this warp on the loom and have another go with the ondulé reed. I'll not sample with this warp but make a scarf, in the hope that I get the setting correct first time round.
I've been invited to go to a concert tonight with a friend.
New to me music. I better get ready for the concert.