Monday, May 26, 2014

West Weeft - Week van het weven

This week we have a big event here: Week van het weven
From tomorrow until Sunday it's open house at 40+ addresses in the West of Holland', weaving studios and guilds.
I'm joining a weaving friend, together with 2 other weavers. Today we set up our exhibition (we are at location 22).
She will stand by the roadside to welcome visitors
Part of the exhibition
My ondulé scarves are on show too
Weaving with the ondulé reed

We are looking forward to receiving visitors during this week. I will not be there myself Tuesday and Thursday as I hope to go to a few places myself.


  1. Hope you have a very successful event...your ondule scarves look fantastic!

  2. Veel plezier de komende dagen.

  3. Leuk en geweldig dat jouw weefsel op de flyer staat van de Week van het weven.

  4. sounds like a lot of fun. good luck

  5. Good Luck and have a great week!

  6. The Week of Weaving look great Margreet-I wish I could come.

  7. What a fabulous display - your ondule scarves look stunning. I hope you are getting lots of visitors.
