Monday, December 27, 2010


I'm not at my best at the moment, spent most of the time in bed these last days. But I have a gem of a friend who cooked for me and came with diner and all to eat here with me at Christmas Day and Boxing Day. The family will come at a later date.
So, all I can do is try to get better.
The loom will have to wait for now.

Before the flu: the warping went smoothly on my own
I use an old roll of wallpaper in between the warp, but the first bit is done with kitchen towel roll as there were a lot of knots to tidy away.
After winding the warp onto the loom I had to thread the heddles
Above shows the halfway stage
Below, you can see how easy it is to thread this loom, you just tip the front up and you can get right into the loom for threading the heddles.
And here the threading is all finished, through heddles and reed
All I need to do now is tie onto the beam. The warp is already knotted in small bunches and I use a long thread to thread these knotted bunches onto the beam. A great way of saving warp and getting a good tension. I need to feel a bit better to do that job. I want the tension to be correct and not to have problem later with uneven warp tension.
Next post I should be weaving hopefully.


  1. Oh, ik hoop dat je snel weer wat opknapt. Je ziek voelen is altijd vervelend maar als je dan zo'n prachtig getouw én ketting hebt staan wil je natuurlijk aan de gang. Lief van je vriendin dat ze zo goed voor je zorgt.
    Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe jij je schering aanbind. Ik ken alleen de methode van de bundeltjes aan de aanbindstok. Het bundeltje splitsen en de éne helft links, de andere helft rechts weer naar boven en een dubbele knoop erop. Ehhhh, niet echt duidelijk denk ik hihi. Als ik weer zover ben maak ik wel een foto.

  2. Hope you're feeling better soon. What a lovely warp design!

  3. Hoi Marion, ik zal proberen het aanbinden te fotograferen om het te laten zien. Maar dan moet ik eerst opknappen.... en ik snap wat je probeert te zeggen over jouw aanbindmethode, zo heb ik het in eerste instantie ook geleerd.

  4. Valerie, thank you for your comment. I wrote about this warp in some of my September postings.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congratulations on your new loom!! It's a beauty!!

    I hope you're feeling better and weaving soon.

    The warp is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see what you make of it all!

    If you're anything like me, you might be breathing a sigh of relief that it's January, and the very emotional holidays are over.

    Take good care,

    PS: I deleted my last comment because I'd forgotten all you'd gone through in the fall when I wrote it. Sorry about that.

