Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New to me weaving

I've started weaving with the ondulé reed. Very new to me. Also the yarn is new to me, bamboo. I've only just started but it all seems to go well.
This is how the loom looks at the moment
And a close up of the sides of this setup
The reed can move up and down by turning the copper rings (see green arrows) at top and bottom and the ruler helps to keep track where I am and how much to move.
I'm moving up/down 0,5cm at a time. This is a trial warp to see if this setup will work.
Toon, my friend who made this for me, will make some adjustments after this warp to perfect it even more.

This is what the weaving looks like
Not very far yet, only just began, but wanted to share. You can see a slight beginning of the fan weave.


  1. Reuze spannend. Ik kijk uit naar het vervolg hiervan.

  2. Marion, dit is echt een leer project. Al ontdekt niet to hoog/laag in het riet te weven. Gebroken draad als gevolg. Maar het lukt aardig zo'n eerste keer.
